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Products & Services

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    Medical devices

    The Company, over the years, has grown to become one of the leading medical device distributors in public and private hospitals in Greece & Cyprus, via its partnership with innovative manufacturers from across the Globe. Kalteq maintains a significant Group of Sales as well as Applications Specialists and supports health care service provision and health care quality.

    Our portfolio focuses on surgical technologies and solutions and is diversified and comprehensive, offering solutions in the fields of general surgery, neurosurgery, spinal column surgery, ear-nose-throat surgery, interventional neuroradiology, oncology and pain management.

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    The Company has recently expanded its focus on medicines. It pursues niche products in specialty, hospital and rare (orphan) disease areas. It envisions to make available either innovative products addressing highly unmet and rare diseases in a unique and innovative way or biosimilar products delivering value for money in the health care system.

    The first collaboration in the field is for a bio-better product addressing chemotherapy induced neutropenia in cancer patients. This is the primary dose-limiting toxicity factor in diagnosed cancer patients treated with chemotherapy and influences patient outcomes.

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    Home Health Care

    The Company recently expanded its product portfolio in the home health care field. Given epidemiology, demographics and technological trends, home care becomes an essential part of the delivery of care to people.

    It fosters greater independence, safety, comfort and convenience, it alleviates caregiver burden and hospital trips and saves money and resources, whilst increasing quality, personalization and wellness. At Kalteq we have a dedicated business unit focusing on delivering quality home care to those in need.

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    Elderly Care Unit

    With increasing life expectancy through better medical care coupled with continuous low fertility, the percentage of the elderly population in most developed countries is steadily increasing. Elderly Care Units are fast becoming an established and preferred solution, increasingly accepted in most countries. Many seniors prefer to live out their twilight years for as long as they can in a safe, comfortable and familiar place.

    Elderly Care Units provide many social, human and care advantages and are becoming a pivotal part of the social care system in most developed countries, as they foster safety, compassion, social interaction, independence and quality of life.

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    Logistic Services

    At Kalteq we try to be a holistic provider and therefore we run our own Logistics services business unit. This gives as the opportunity to control our service to our customers, to have better visibility, to invest in reliability and readiness, to meet our deadlines, to have better inventory tracking and to offer end-to-end solutions.

    Focusing on Improving customer experience, we aim to provide fast and top quality service, to optimize operational costs and to enhance thus productivity, efficiency and planning.